simplecolors - Access Color Names Using a Standardized Nomenclature
A curated set of colors that are called using a standardized syntax: saturation + hue + lightness. For example, "brightblue4" and "mutedred2". Functions exists to return individual colors by name or to build palettes across or within hues. Most functions allow you to visualize the palettes in addition to returning the desired hex codes.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.78 score 14 stars 87 scripts 231 downloads
headliner - Compose Sentences to Describe Comparisons
Create dynamic, data-driven text. Given two values, a list of talking points is generated and can be combined using string interpolation. Based on the 'glue' package.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.78 score 43 stars 28 scripts 255 downloads
shinyobjects - Access Reactive Data Interactively
Troubleshooting reactive data in 'shiny' can be difficult. These functions will convert reactive data frames into functions and load all assigned objects into your local environment. If you create a dummy input object, as the function will suggest, you will be able to test your server and ui functions interactively.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.34 score 22 stars 9 scripts 241 downloads